Maya Melamed
1 min readFeb 11, 2018


Hey Jennifer Parnell, I am not sure why you find this idea offensive.

I will, though, repeat here my previous response to another comment:

I’m aware that holding the blood in the vagina is not exactly as holding urine and faeces. It was only used as an analogy for the sake of explaining that first you need to be aware of the fact that it is actually possible to control those bodily functions, and then you need to practice it.

Also, the flow of the blood from the uterine is not what being controlled with this method. It is holding the blood inside the vagina while using the muscles at the very entrance of it, closing and opening them, which is relatively easy to learn how to do. The pelvic floor muscles will become stronger and more flexible the more you practice this.

I am actually practicing and know of a few other women who can, in fact, hold their menstrual blood and release it at will.

It looks like you are not interested, which is totally fine. But when you are commenting in public that this is nonsense you are implying that I’m lying and that saddens me. You might also discourage other women from trying which makes me even sadder.

I hope the women who do understand it is possible will give it a go.

It’s tremendously empowering.

